Sunday, March 16, 2008

What is so funny

Sardar and Blonde get married and go to the city for their honeymoon. They go into their hotel room for the night and get in bed, and neither of them knows what to do now.
They look out the window and see some sailors outside. "I'll bet they can help us!" says the husband, and runs downstairs.
A sailor comes up back with him. He takes a piece of chalk and draws a circle on the floor several feet away from the bed. "Now I want you to watch me carefully, but no matter what I do, do not step out of the circle," says the sailor.
The husband is standing in the circle while the sailor proceeds to make wild passionate love to the wife for a few hours.
The sailor stands up afterwards and sees that the husband is giggling. "What's so funny?!" asks the sailor. The husband answers, "I stepped out of the circle three times, and you didn't even notice!"

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