Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sweat Dreams

When you lie down to sleep at night, thank the Lord for another day.
If you have a job, thank the Lord for your place of employment.
Ask that He May bless you in everything that you do.
Ask Him to give you the knowledge and the wisdom to do your job.
If you don't have a job, thank Him for SWEAT DREAMS.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I Drink To Forget I drink

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Heart

I heart astrology. I heart tranquility. I heart bubbletea. I heart serenity. I heart flowers. I heart the sky. I heart time. I heart music. I heart chocolate chip cookies. I heart walking. I heart wishes. I heart green tea. I heart rainbows. I heart pictures. I heart colours. I heart lays chips. I heart long bus rides. I heart rain. I heart daydreaming. I heart s.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Joke

May you say "I Love You" everyday to your spouse, parent, child
May you live in a world of peace with no fear of a terrorist attack
May what you see in the mirror delight you and what others see in you delight them
May everyone love you enough to forgive your faults and tell the world about your virtues
May you find the environment quiet and costs cheaper
May you have a hood healthy year without paying a cent to your dentist, your cardiologist, your gastro-enterologist, your urologist, your psychiatrist

May the year be filled with awareness of God's love in every sunset, every flower's unfolding petals, every baby's smile, and every wonderful, astonishing, marvellous beat of our heart.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

You’re so ugly

You’re so ugly, you scare blind people away.
You’re so ugly, mirrors commit suicide.
You’re so ugly, your reflection looks away.
You’re so ugly, it;s your middle name.
You’re so ugly, they confuse you with your mom.